Build modern AI systems
Modern AI Systems blend computer code (model/algorithm) with data. The DDS paradigm guarantees that the data is always correct and that the code generates trustable results.
The DDS package handles out of the box a wide variety of common data representations (Apache Spark, pandas) and Machine Learning tools.

Collaborate fearlessly.
DDS makes sharing and updating datasets as easy as sharing and updating code.
Just like code, your data changes are isolated to your branch, without impact to other people's work.

Understand your data dependencies
Without running your code, see in advance how your changes will impact other datasets.

Lightweight and modular design
DDS is a lightweight package that only requires you to annotate your existing code. You can enjoy its benefits out of the box.
It also blends seamlessly with the modern data scientist's toolkit: Jupyter and other notebooks, MLFlow, Databricks, ...

It is a lifesaver.